
Treatment for hair loss in Jayanagar, Bangalore, India
It is surely heartbreaking to lose your hair. Numerous doctors may have made vain claims that they could regrow your hair using various unconventional methods. We at Derma World do not imply that we produce heads covered in hair. For a variety of patient demands, we provide everything from medication to PRP to mesotherapy to hair transplantation. We have established ourselves as the top dermatologists for all hair and skin issues affecting both men and women.
If you experience any kind of hair loss, do not become anxious:

alopecia androgenic (baldness)
All-over hair loss
Areata lopecia
Scarring Trichotillomania Alopecia
T e l o g n u v I o
a complete baldness
Treadmill Hair Loss
Alopecia brought on by chemotherapy
Diffuse Hair Loss

We are here to ensure your safety and easy passage.

One of the best and most skilled dermatologists is Idha Skin and Hair Clinic. In Bangalore, India, he offers the best hair fall therapy. The diagnosis is the first step in treatment. Idha Skin and Hair Clinic is able to treat a large number of patients with hair loss thanks to its unique diagnosis capabilities.

Summary of Contents

One Regular Hair Growth
2 and 3 Hair Growth Stages
3 reasons
4 Spotty Hair Loss
5 remedies (Men)
Six therapies (Women)
Other Seven Therapies
Treatment time: 8
9 Post-care
Regarding Mesotherapy
LLL Therapy 11
Twelve Hair Transplants

Hair grows normally

50 to 100 hairs each day shedding is a fully typical procedure. New hair grows from the follicle, which sits just below the skin’s surface, to replace old hair as it sheds. A protein that also makes up fingernails and toenails is used to create hair. To maintain regular hair growth, it is essential for everyone to consume enough protein. Proteins are abundant in eggs, meat, nuts, chicken, dried beans, and grains.

The majority of us believe that hair grows and sheds at a rapid pace. We get to this judgment primarily as a result of our immediate awareness of hair loss or thickening. However, the truth is ignored.

Our hair passes through a full cycle, just like physiological and natural processes that occur all around the world. A single hair is born, develops, ages, and eventually falls out. As a result, regular hair growth occurs in cycles.

When the rate of hair loss outpaces the rate of hair regrowth over a predetermined period of time, such as two to three months or even one month in unusual circumstances, we refer to this condition as hair loss. Similar to this, a sign of hair growth occurs when the rate of hair growth exceeds the rate of hair shedding.

Three stages make up the hair growth cycle.

Hair growth has three stages.

Hair in the first stage of anagen grows at a half-inch rate per month. The rate rises in the summer and falls in the winter. The maximum duration of anagen, which is seven years for Asians, is three to five years on average. For Asians, full-length hair can reach up to 1m, compared to the norm of 18 to 30 inches. This stage of hair growth is active.

Catagen: The second stage of this cycle lasts about 10 days, making it the shortest phase overall. In essence, it is a stage between anagen and telogen.

Active hair has reached its telogen stage and is on the verge of falling out. A resting phase is the telogen stage. During this stage, hair follicles are dormant for around three months before the entire process is repeated. Each hair follicle has its own growth cycle since they each act separately. If this hadn’t occurred, it would have been normal to lose a significant amount of hair suddenly. An individual loses roughly 80 hairs daily during a healthy hair cycle.

One only suffers slow or quick hair loss as a result of certain reasons. The natural cycle of hair growth is disturbed when it occurs.

Hair Loss Factors

Hair loss has a wide range of causes. The principal causes are, to name a few, as follows:

In modern society, stress and anxiety are the main causes of hair loss. The stress of the physical and emotional kinds can cause gradual hair loss in addition to mental stress. Anxious people are also more likely to misplace their wealth. Only when there is less stress or when a person engages in some relaxing activities, such as yoga, exercise, or meditation, does tension-related hair loss decrease.

Thyroid disorders are a scourge for their victims since both excessive thyroid activity, or hyperthyroidism, and insufficient thyroid activity, or hypothyroidism, can cause a significant loss of hair. Hair loss automatically stops if thyroid issues are properly managed.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes, particularly those that occur during menopause or soon after childbirth, are important contributors to hair loss. Age and the body’s cycle of hormonal changes, which frequently result in hormonal imbalances, can also cause it. Hormones can cause hair loss in men and women alike.

Complex drugs, such as beta-blockers, anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, and anti-coagulants, have a substantial impact on hair and cause a significant amount of hair loss quickly. In addition to these, drugs administered during complicated procedures also lead to hair loss. While medications have a significant role in hair loss, surgeries also play a role. Chemotherapy is known to cleanse the scalp and remove all hair from it. The good news is that after these drugs or treatments are stopped, hair progressively resumes its regular cycle and begins to grow again. However, in the majority of situations, people choose hair loss treatments, which quicken their own typical cycle of hair growth.

Lupus is an autoimmune condition that is mostly to blame for hair loss. Lupus is characterized by patchy hair loss and scalp lesions. Those with lupus are also more likely to experience hair loss.

Common medical anomalies: – In addition to the disorders mentioned above, renal failure, liver issues, inflammatory bowel diseases, and other related conditions can also result in hair loss. Each of these irregularities interferes with the body’s natural processes, which damages the hair follicles and results in hair loss.

Categories of Hair Loss

Despite the fact that the term “hair loss” may seem to apply to everyone, due to its distinctive pattern, it is different for each person. The most effective treatment to regrow lost hair and stop additional hair loss is based on the unique pattern of hair loss. The following categories can be used to group different types of hair loss.

The most prevalent type of hair loss, androgenic alopecia, can affect both men and women, though the former at a higher rate. According to research, 40% of women and 70% of men worldwide are predicted to experience some kind of androgenic alopecia at some point in their lives. It might happen again at any time. The hair at the top of the scalp is most impacted by this pattern of hair loss. A “horseshoe pattern” of hair loss results when hair thinning begins at the crown, temple, or both, and then progressively extends inward. The crown largely doesn’t change in women.

Traction alopecia: This condition is more often encountered in women and appears to have a human etiology. The usage of tight rubber bands and hairpins, which for a prolonged period of time tighten the hair roots, is the primary reason for this hair loss. The strain is too great for hair strands to withstand for an extended period of time, and they fall out as a result. Hair sheds off when it is exposed. Short and damaged hair is left at the fringe when the hairline recedes. The one and only solution to this issue are to knot your hair loosely and leave it out or tie it up in a bun (without hairpins or clips) for a while.

Another type of hair loss pattern is involutional alopecia, which is linked to aging. Age results in a shorter hair cycle and weaker hair. In addition, active hair enters the telogen phase or resting phase, sooner. People typically have 85% of their hair in each growth stage while they are young. As people mature, the percentage declines. Since it is a natural process, taking good care of one’s diet and leading a healthier lifestyle are the ways to restore as much hair as you can.

Trinia Capitis is a fungus infection that causes hair loss, according to medical terminology. It manifests as one or more patches of hair loss that are noticeable. The skin may also be scaly, irritated, and irritating at the same time. The pattern of hair loss resembles ringworm, hence the term “ringworm scalp” in widespread usage. When hair falls out in trivia capitis, a distinctive pattern of black dots is left behind. Children are more likely to have this illness than adults, who relatively seldom do. A suitable antifungal medicine can treat problems with hair loss.

Spot baldness is another name for the hair loss pattern caused by the autoimmune condition alopecia areata, which causes hair loss in the form of spots. It can occur anywhere on the scalp and is mostly an immune issue. The immune system targets hair when the body is unable to distinguish its own cells and treats it as an invader. As a result, circular patches of hair start to fall out. Only 1% to 2% of patients with this condition develop complete hair loss that involves both the scalp and the full body. Topical coal tar, topical ciclosporin, topical minoxidil, and topical dithranol are a few frequently used therapies.

Telogen Effluvium: Normally, 15% of the hair enters the telogen, or resting phase, while 85% of hair is in the active growth phase. The 85+15 balance is upset by telogen effluvium, and more hair enters the resting phase. This causes natural hair loss, and untreated hair thinning leads to scalp baldness.

It can occur for a variety of reasons, including childbirth, excessive stress, rapid weight loss or growth, and bereavement.

Discrete Hair Loss

It is nothing more than alopecia areata, a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles because it is unable to distinguish between its own blood cells. It causes a significant loss of hair in two ways: first, by causing the body to lose hair; and second, by causing the entire head to fall out. The worst aspect of patchy hair loss is how unpredictable it is and how different patients respond to it. Therefore, hair experts cannot reach a consistent judgment in every situation.

Both conventional medicine and complementary remedies can treat patchy hair loss. Minoxidil is a medication that can be administered softly to the afflicted parts of the scalp. The issue can also be resolved by taking additional medications that dermatologists or hair doctors have advised. Aromatherapy, acupuncture, and taking vitamins and herbal supplements are examples of alternative treatments.

Men’s Hair Loss Treatments

Treatments (Men)

The following therapies are useful for treating male baldness:

Medication: Finasteride and minoxidil are two medications that work well to reduce hair loss. The latter is a lotion that is applied to the scalp, particularly in the affected area, as opposed to the former, which is a pill.

Therapies: – Depending on the individual’s hair loss scenario, a perfect combination of oral medications, creams, shampoos, and ointments makes a full hair loss therapy. Due to the fact that these are individualized treatments, patients can benefit to the fullest from hair loss therapy.

Surgery: Hair transplant procedures are a last-ditch effort to increase hair growth. By removing DHT-resistant hair from the scalp’s back and putting active follicles in bald spots, it is best suited for treating male pattern baldness. The hair around the scalp grows evenly as a result of surgery.

These specialized combs, which differ from regular ones in that they transmit electricity and emit intense light to stimulate the hair follicles, are known as laser combs. Combining laser-based combs with other hair loss treatments yields the best results in the shortest amount of time.

PRP is a fantastic way to stimulate natural hair growth.

Treatments for Women’s Hair Loss

Treatments (Women)

Women also have a variety of alternatives for treating their fine hair, eliminating excessive hair loss, and ensuring the strongest possible regrowth. Which are:

The fantastic hair loss lotion, minoxidil, is effective for both men and women who are unwilling to let rid of their hair. Women’s hair loss is guaranteed to be managed within a month, at the latest by 45 days, by gently massaging the lotion over the scalp. It is also the medication that women who are experiencing hair loss most frequently choose.

Finasteride and Dutasteride are typically prescribed for men; women are only asked to take them in extremely unusual circumstances. The two medications do, in rare instances, work, and when they do, they restore hair in a plethora.

Spironolactone: – Hair loss can also be brought on by an excess of fluid in the body. Through the use of spironolactone, the body’s excess liquid is brought within the parameters, improving the situation.

PRP is beneficial for women and aids in regrowing lost hair, just like it is for males.

Treatments and General Therapies for Hair Fall or Hair Loss

Various Therapies
The most prevalent and common issue affecting both men and women is baldness and hair loss, but with the right treatment and medication, it may be controlled and even reversed.

Hair development is a natural phenomenon, but it can be hampered by a variety of causes, including stress, pollution, unhealthy eating and drinking habits, and lifestyle choices.

Hair loss, dandruff, baldness, and other hair-related problems can result when the hair growth process is hampered by these obstacles. Hair loss can also be a side effect of medications used to treat other health-related problems, such as weight loss, high blood pressure, epilepsy, cancer treatment, chemotherapy, and others.

However, there are now many ways to address hair loss, including medication, mesotherapy, and laser therapy.

The allopathic, homeopathic, and ayurvedic medical systems all offer effective treatments to promote hair growth.

Hair loss medication lessens hair thinning while improving scalp coverage by promoting the growth of new hair. In order to promote thicker hair growth, these medications also thicken the shafts of existing hair. It’s important to note that with these medications, hair coverage only improves on top of the head; it does not improve in the frontal region.

How to treat Alopecia Areata or spot baldness? Excessive body hair loss

The drugs listed below are frequently used to regrow hair and stop hair loss.

One of the most popular medications for treating hair loss is finasteride, which is only available with a prescription. Finasteride promotes hair growth and slows down scalp hair loss. The bald spots might not be entirely covered because it encourages hair growth in the crown area. Pregnant women should never take finasteride because doing so can result in birth abnormalities.

Minoxidil is applied to the scalp either topically or topically by spray and aids in hair regrowth. Minoxidil, which comes in 2% and 5% solutions, seems to perform best on persons under 30 who have been experiencing hair loss for less than 5 years. This solution may cause negative effects if sprayed excessively. It is important to note that this medication only has a transient effect, and hair loss returns as soon as the medication is stopped.

Kalium Carbonicum is a remedy made of potassium carbonate that is very effective in preventing hair thinning and drying.

One of the most potent treatments for hair growth is cortisone, which is injected straight into the scalp. However, it is now accessible as an ointment that can be used topically.

Silicea is yet another medication that works well to encourage hair growth. It is made from human tissues and sandstone, both of which are very powerful at nourishing hair follicles and encouraging healthy hair development. Additionally, it comes in granules and concentrated liquid form.

Nixon Vitamins is a medication that contains concentrated amounts of vitamins and minerals that work as supplements to the roots of the hair to speed up hair development. This is offered in the form of shampoos, conditioners, and lotions that are ready to use.

Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) is a potent medication that may be purchased in liquid form and is applied to the scalp once a week. This medicine’s application fortifies hair roots.

As mentioned above, medication should only be taken strictly under the guidance and advice of a licensed medical professional. All of these medications are only successful when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, a diet rich in nutrients, and consistent hair care practices.

How long is the entire course of treatment and how long is this drug administered?

Treatment time

The duration of these treatments should ideally be determined by the severity of baldness and how well they work.

It may take up to six months before minoxidil and finasteride start to show benefits since they are used too frequently. Other medications including Nixon Vitamins, Silica, and DPCP should be taken once or twice a week. After taking these medications for several months, results begin to appear.

What can one anticipate after taking these medications?

When used over time, these medications have a progressive effect rather than a quick fix. However, regular use along with a healthy lifestyle boosts hair development and significantly lowers hair fall.

The results of the majority of hair loss medications are first visible on the back and crown of the head. The forehead region is the last to exhibit any effects. One shouldn’t anticipate a full head of hair to grow back because the effects of these medications depend on the patient’s age and the location of the hair loss.

after taking medication, exercise caution

following care

The only precaution to be taken when taking a medicine to treat hair loss is to maintain a healthy routine, which includes eating food rich in vitamins and minerals and abstaining totally from any drugs, alcohol, and smoking. It’s also essential to get weekly hair massages so that medications can also promote hair growth.


Medication therapy may reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. However, one could not experience the expected level of hair growth.

These medications have a limited number of negative effects, such as itchiness and irritation. Additionally, some drugs may increase facial hair development in female patients. Men who take these medications too frequently may also experience sexual problems.

If a woman is pregnant or has certain medical concerns, such as heart issues, taking these medications could be extremely harmful.

One should not anticipate having a complete head of hair grow back because it is also possible that the medications will not be effective. Results could appear after a few months or up to a year.

If one chooses not to take medication for hair loss, there are no health hazards.


Regarding Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that replaces lost hair to cure hair loss, uneven hair, and hair thinning. The mesoderm layer, which is located in the skin tissues at a depth of about 1 mm, is stimulated by the superficial microinjections used in this procedure just below the epidermal layer, the topmost layer of the scalp, to promote the growth and regeneration of hair. Mesotherapy has recently grown in popularity among patients due to its high success rate and efficiency in treating baldness and hair loss in both men and women.

The main benefits of the treatment are that it is based on the idea that issues with hair loss are caused by a deficiency in essential nutrients and minerals/vitamins, which gradually reduces blood flow in the scalp area and results in hormonal imbalances in the follicle, which in turn leads to an excess production of androgen, which promotes hair loss.

What steps are involved and how long does it take?

Acetyl tetrapeptide-3 and Biochanin-A, two active elements in the treatment, combine to promote the growth of new, healthy hair. Additionally, varied proportions of minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and nucleic acids can be combined to create a product that is tailored to the needs of the patient. Additionally, the treatment functions by correcting hormonal imbalances after being injected, which gradually reduces hair loss and restores natural hair. The treatment process varies from patient to patient, but depending on the size of the treated region, a session typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.

An intensive course of treatments every two weeks for the first few months is followed by a frequency reduction to once every three months or fewer. On average, a minimum of 10 sessions are needed to establish the conditions on the scalp necessary to encourage hair growth.

Mesotherapy stimulates both the chemical and mechanical systems of the body in the area where hair loss is occurring. The given chemicals’ chemical activity prompts a reaction in the mesoderm. In contrast, the mechanical action of the injection needle causes tiny holes to form in the tissues, which triggers a healing process that produces the elastin and collagen needed to promote hair growth.

By enhancing blood circulation, promoting collagen formation, lowering inflammation, and enlarging follicles to prevent hair loss, the components in the solution actively cooperate to speed up hair development.

What to anticipate

Potentially, mesotherapy can do away with the requirement for implant or hair transplant surgery.

Once the procedure is finished, a significant difference becomes apparent, and the baldness may become a thing of the past. However, the condition of the hair and the follicle cells also affects the outcome.

Note: Mesotherapy is extremely safe and painless when done with the help of a professional. Additionally, there is no requirement for skin dressings or anesthesia injections.

Botulinum toxin is sometimes used with mesotherapy. However, it typically takes place without the addition of any other therapy. However, it is advised that the patients receiving mesotherapy speak with their doctors and get the right guidance. In rare instances, there might be some irritability and itching. However, it’s important to keep in mind that mesotherapy treatments are most effective when dangerous poisons and chemicals are removed from the diet and are followed by a regular exercise routine.

Treatment of Hair Loss Using Laser Light

Therapy LLL

Even after the course of treatment has ended, low-level laser therapy, also known as laser light therapy, stimulates new hair growth. Low-intensity near-infrared radiation exposure occurs during laser light therapy. The scalp (the target area) is exposed to infrared laser diodes during the therapy.

On the one hand, laser therapy can eliminate body hair permanently. On the other hand, depending on the wavelength, exposure time, and frequency of exposure, it can speed up hair growth rates and even increase hair follicle proliferation in humans. This is possible because it promotes the proliferation of hair follicles and speeds up the regeneration of crushed nerves.

What Kind of Balding Is It Treatable For?

Androgenetic alopecia, which is the most prevalent type of balding pattern seen in both men and women, is treated using low laser therapy. A gene found in individuals with androgenetic alopecia makes them more sensitive to the effects of the androgenic hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT develops in the base of hair follicles and, in genetically more susceptible individuals, it causes a reduction in the size of hair follicles. Over time, follicles become so inactive and dormant that they stop growing, which results in hair loss.

How Low Laser Hair Therapy Works

The growth of hair occurs in three stages: the anagen phase, also known as the growth phase, the catagen phase, also known as the transition phase, and the telogen phase, which is the third and final stage. The third phase is when the hair stops growing and goes dormant. The low laser therapy stimulates hair follicles, causing them to enter the anagen phase.

Low-label infrared light with a wavelength of 630 to 670 nanometers is used in the therapy because the hair follicles absorb light with this wavelength. The light enters the scalp and activates the epidermal stem cells, promoting the renewal of hair follicles. This aids in increasing blood flow and stimulates the metabolic processes required for hair development, avoiding the creation of DHT in the area around the follicles.

How well does laser light therapy work?

The procedure is quite successful in treating thinner and weaker hair follicles, resulting in stronger and healthier hair and halting hair loss. The biggest issue is that it only functions when the hair follicle is active because there is no hair regrowth in dead hair follicles. It is therefore advised to begin the therapy as soon as feasible.

Treatment duration and method of delivery

Because the laser machines used are compact and portable, low laser therapy can be performed at a clinic, a salon, or even at home. It requires two to three treatments each week, and each one takes around 15-20 minutes. After 3 to 4 months, the results start to become visible.

The therapy can be administered using a hand-held device, headgear, overhead panels, or saloon hoods. The two types of laser therapy treatments listed below are typically used:

Blades of light. In order to provide quick low laser hair therapy, laser diodes integrated into the bristles can be utilized anytime, anywhere.

Helmets with personal lasers. Portable helmets that can be worn are made of laser diodes. The benefit is that it is incredibly convenient to use and saves time and money from going to the doctor.

A skilled professional may give laser hair therapy in a clinic, salon, or salon; the individual delivering the therapy must be familiar with using the laser unit. Additionally, as part of the regimen, scalp treatments and massages that encourage blood circulation may be performed.

Laser light therapy may be one of the most effective ways to cure hair loss when used properly.

The following are the advantages of low laser therapy.

The fact that it has absolutely no negative effects is crucial.

The process takes less time and is not painful.

For accelerated results, this therapy can be combined with medication.

used by both men and women, and is relatively less expensive.

Hair Replacement

Follicles from the back of the head are used for hair transplantation because they are more resistant to hormonal changes and are placed in balding areas. Hair transplants can result in effective and long-lasting outcomes, but because they require multiple surgical sessions, the recovery period may be longer. Hair transplantation is the most long-lasting kind of treatment, while there are other options.

There are two approaches to hair transplantation.

In the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure, a strip, layer, or portion of the scalp is removed from the back of the head and then divided into individual transplants. The rear of the head’s scalp is cut by 6 to 10 inches, and the necessary area is then sewn. The doctors next separate the scalp into 500 to 2000 tiny grafts, depending on the quality and density of the hair in the implant location.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Using a machine, individual follicular units are removed from the back of the head during the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation. The grafts are taken out by the doctor one at a time, causing the area to swiftly recover with tiny dots.

Who should choose FUE instead of FUT is now a clear issue to ask.

People who desire to have a greater balding area treated with FUE and who can handle the pain of cuts and stitches can consider it. FUE method of extraction is preferred by those who have less baldness, have an active lifestyle, like less invasive operations, don’t want deep cuts and stitches, and want a quicker recovery.

Hair Transplantation Technique

First, a local anesthetic injection is used to numb the area where baldness is to be treated. Then, in the balding area, tiny areas are made using extremely fine needles and blades. The harvested follicles are then carefully placed in the area of baldness. The procedure, which resembles surgery, takes a number of hours to complete. The operation is performed after the head has been totally shaved.

FUT has the benefit of treating a greater area and can be completed in a short period of time. Additionally, fewer follicles are cut during removal, which produces better outcomes.

FUE has the advantage of not requiring cuts or sutures, which means a speedier recovery period and virtually invisible scarring.

Things to keep in mind before getting an FUE or FUT hair transplant.

Before undergoing FUT or FUE, a doctor must be consulted because it is a surgical procedure and needs to be done properly.

In order to recuperate more quickly from surgery, the patient must take medication (painkillers, steroids, and antibiotics) for a brief amount of time after the procedure.

After surgery, hair has to be cleaned and cared for carefully.

Patients under the age of 25 are not eligible for the procedure. Additionally, it shouldn’t be done on persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, or thin hair.

The surgical technique can result in infected hair follicles, the loss of transplanted hair, as well as swelling, numbness, and itching of the scalp. The transplanted hair can occasionally appear unnatural.

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