How Are Birthmarks Defined?

Birthmarks are blemishes on the skin that a baby may acquire prior to or shortly after birth. Birthmarks can be flat or raised, with regular or irregular borders, and in a variety of colours, ranging from brown, tan, black, or pale blue to pink, red, or purple.

The majority of birthmarks are harmless, and many even go away or decrease over time. Occasionally, birthmarks are linked to other health concerns.

What Factors Contribute to the Development of Birthmarks?

Doctors are unsure of the cause of the majority of birthmarks. They cannot be prevented and are unrelated to any actions taken or not taken during pregnancy. The majority are unrelated to skin damage after childbirth. Certain types may run in families, although no genetic cause has been identified.

What Kinds of Birthmarks Are There?

There are two primary types of birthmarks, each with a unique cause:

  • Vascular birthmarks occur when blood vessels do not develop properly. Either there are an excessive number of them or they are wider than normal.
  • Pigmented birthmarks are the result of an abnormal proliferation of the cells that produce pigment (colour) in the skin.

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